The Days In Between


Well, it’s official.  The “In Between” days have begun.  After the main event, before we rush back to the normal schedule of school and such—this is the best time for me.  When the parties are over, the presents are put away, and a load of laundry is in the washer, I love to sit in the twinkle-lit living room with my fuzzy-sock feet propped up on the ottoman and a cup of coffee nearby.

Taking a few extra moments to sip and savor, knowing that I have nowhere to be and nothing pressing to attend to—these are the moments.  Getting to read a little extra in my Bible, picking up a devotional, turning on praise music—Love it!

For me, the days in between also allow time to knock a few things off of my “to do” list.  Over my teaching break this year, I will be entering grades for the last grading period, decluttering the house a bit, reading my Middle School and High School kids’ NaNoWriMo entries, and (I’m super excited about this one) **creating the wedding invitation design for my nephew and his bride-to-be**!!  This is a first, and I can’t wait to see how it will turn out.  (Yes, there will be pictures.)


Something else I love is catching up on my reading.  Teaching doesn’t allow for a lot of free time, so I really enjoy binge-reading through my “to-read list” on break.  This year, I picked a few excellent reads from the Christian writers I have met in 2016:

A Goose Creek Christmas (novella) by Virginia Smith


Precious in His Sight by Karen Pashley


A (Sorta) Southern Serenade by Krista Phillips


(I also recommend the cute, Christmas novella I read earlier this year,

The Funky Chicken by my friend, Melinda Eye Cooper.)*The links in this post are all non-affiliated


What about you?  What are you doing on the “Days In Between”?  What are your favorite reads in 2016?















reading books 2016 christmas free novel novella good read reads mom homeschool wife mother teacher teaching schoolyear kids parenting ACFW writer writing KY Kentucky